The 8-Step ‘World Cup’ Treatment Plan That Helped
My Private Patients Achieve Full Recovery And Made
Me A ‘Go-To’ Physio For Complex Cases

Wish you knew exactly how to treat every patient who walks through your door? With a consistent approach that works, even with complex cases? Then this will be the most important book you ever read!

Send me a copy now!

Amazon #1 bestseller | 58 5-star reviews | 1000+ Copies Sold

Skyrocket Retention Rates, Referrals, And
Feel Confident With Any Patient Who
Walks Through Your Door

University didn’t prepare me to become a world cup physio. It didn’t even prepare me to succeed in private practice.

You see, most private practice therapists use the same approach they were taught in their textbooks, and I was no different…

Look at the site of pain, perform some mobilisations if appropriate, then load the area (usually with eccentrics)…

And that’s fine, if you want to help patients feel initial relief.
But if you want to help them progress past ‘initial relief’ so they reach their dream outcomes…

To effectively treat almost any complex case that walks through your door…

To skyrocket retention rates, referrals, and grow your reputation as a ‘go-to’ physiotherapist in your town…

Then this is the most important book you’ll read in your entire career.

Use This Proven Approach To Deliver
Higher-Level Rehab And Set Yourself
Apart From 99% Of Therapists

I struggled in private practice initially.

But once I applied the pro sport treatment approach I learned as a World Cup physio to my private practice patients… my clinic completely changed.

It wasn’t just that my patient care improved and more of my patients fully recovered…

I also felt completely confident in my skillset, knowing I had the framework to achieve outstanding results on a consistent basis.

This book reveals the exact 8-Step ‘pro sport’ treatment plan I used (and still use) with all my private practice patients.

It will help you treat nearly any complex case with confidence, skyrocket patient adherence to your treatment plans, and increase the ceiling of what your patients can achieve!

Here’s A Fraction Of What You’ll Discover
In Your Copy Of Happy Progressing Patients

My exact ‘pro sport’ treatment plan and how to implement it in your own practice – discover how to do it step by step, minute by minute, page by page

A simple, practical 8-Step plan you can follow to progress nearly any patient to a full recovery – including research on why this works for complex cases where traditional methods fail

The single best way to increase patient ‘buy-in’ and skyrocket adherence to your treatment – so they show up for each session excited to progress through their treatment and hang off your every word!

A simple method to know when patients can progress to the next stage of rehab – and avoid my patient’s pain returning a few hours after they step out the door

The secret I use to work smarter, not harder, during hands-on treatment – stream of new patients willing to pay top dollar (without ever awkwardly asking for a referral ever again)

How to save years of mistakes with a tried and tested system that stood the test of time – this method simply WORKS, in both private practice and pro sport!

What you can do right now to ethically double your bookings – fill your calendar with referrals and loyal patients who see a drastic improvement in their quality of life!

Plus, the story of how I became a World Cup physio for England Rugby and England Rugby League – if you have dreams of working in pro sport one day, this is a MUST read!

Who Needs The 8-Step ‘Pro Sport’
Treatment Plan Inside This Book?

  • Do you need more clarity and structure in your assessment so you can consistently progress patients to their dream outcomes?
  • Do patients drop off after 3-4 sessions? Or stop adhering to your rehab plans?
  • Are you unsure exactly what to do with complex cases?
  • Has your confidence taken a hit? Imposter syndrome reared its ugly head?
  • Are you pressed for time in your sessions? Do you hastily prescribe exercise plans in the last few minutes?
  • Want to feel so confident in your ability? To feel comfortable charging more, knowing patients are happy to pay it?
  • Wish you could provide a higher level of rehab to progress your patients to thoughtless, fearless movement?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above… and you want the fastest, most effective way to treat every possible scenario you’re exposed to in private practice… then grab a copy of The ‘Go-To’ Physio now!

“But I’m Different And This Pro Sport
System Won’t Work For My Patients”

That’s what you’re probably thinking. Where’s the evidence base for this 8-Step system… the research proving it works… and can it be replicated in almost any treatment scenario, by any physiotherapist?

This system hasn’t just helped me triple my referrals in private practice, or succeed at multiple world cups for both England Rugby Union and England Rugby League.

It’s also helped 100s of physiotherapists like you to overcome imposter syndrome, boost their confidence, and deliver outstanding patient care to even their most complex cases.

The System Inside This Book Has Been
Used And Replicated By 850+
Therapists In 30 Countries

“Must Read! Great Mentorship”

Dave has a great way of putting things forward to enable learning and development. This book just adds to what I learnt in his mentorship programme. The mentorship programme provided a great structure to your assessment and management with great exercise prescription options that are easily implemented from day 1. Best thing is you get lifetime access to great resources! Recommend the mentorship highly! This book will give you a great review of what Dave has to offer.

Naomi O’Reilly

“Top Class!”

Have been part of daves mentorship program for last few years and it has taken my clinic to the next level. Excellent mentorship that gives structure and confidence to a random world. This book will consolidate all the information we have learned from the mentorship so looking forward to reading and learning from Dave again!

Paul Kelly

“5 Star Book and 5 Star Mentorship”

Have found the mentorship program invaluable in terms of building my confidence as a new therapist. Using the step-by-step systems (subjective, objective, directions of force testing) has really helped me in identifying an individuals ‘true stressors’. I was blown away by Dave’s breakdown of testing and the overall high quality content of the mentorship. Would highly recommend the mentorship program.

Chris Chapman

“Life changing”

The mentorship has completely changed the way i look at how i treat injuries. It showed me how to look at the whole body not just the site of pain. The results were incredible.

Ger Gallagher

“A must read for any aspiring therapist!”

I completed the 12month mentorship last year. It has changed my entire approach to assessment and treatment and has given me the confidence to open my own clinic. Thanks Dave and the guys at the Prosport Academy for this brilliant opportunity!

Aideen Dolan


Dave’s on-line 12-month mentorship was the prefect simple step-by-step system dealing with the person as a whole and finding the true stressor. The addition of the business advice is well worth the investment and the book should be a great start to any therapist interested in improving their patients outcome and running a better business.

Dave’s new book has just lunched should be interesting read and a great addition to his new updated 90 day mentorship.

t rutherford

“Fantastic purchase for any Physiotherapist!”

Having done the Pro Sport Academy Mentorship this book was a no brained for me, and it shouldn’t be for you either. The mentorship gives you a structured way of assessing and treating every single patient with clarity and confidence. This book and the mentorship are a must for any aspiring Physiotherapist who wants to stand out as an exceptional therapist that thinks differently.

Steve Kenny

“Great with Dave O’Sullivans Mentorship Programme”

I found Dave through Facebook, and was part of his 12 month mentorship programme, before I started I was hesitant, but after just the first week it all clicked into place. 12 months later I have a simple and effective system that I use to assess, treat & rehab my clients, and genuinely have never felt more confident in my work. Cheers Dave!

Tim Ridge

“A must have book for any therapist”

Joining Dave’s mentorship has helped bring clarity and structure to the way I work, if the books on a par with his online content it’s a must have for any therapist.

Łukasz Oleksy

“The ‘Go To’ Physio approach”

Excellent systematic examination and treatment guideline for sports physiotherapy


“Dave o sullivan”

The mentorship has changed my thinking beyond all recognition. I was vsry unsure about signing up initially but am delighted i have. This book will hopefully consolidate everything i have picked up do far and tried to put into practice

david williams

“A must have book for any therapist”

Joining Dave’s mentorship has helped bring clarity and structure to the way I work, if the books on a par with his online content it’s a must have for any therapist.


You’ll Discover The Framework That’s Trusted By England Rugby Union And Rugby League

Authored By England World
Cup Physiotherapist

David O’Sullivan is a consultant physiotherapist for England Rugby Union and has worked at multiple Rugby World Cups. He currently works with Huddersfield Giants, Warrington Wolves and Hull F.C mentoring their Head Physiotherapists, as well as working with pro golfers and other top sporting professionals.

David is the clinical director of ProSport Physiotherapy in Huddersfield where he has a 5-treatment room private practice with 12 staff.

David founded The ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship in 2015 and has since helped 850 therapists worldwide to feel confident treating even the most complex of patients using his step-by-step pro sport treatment plan.

Grab Your Copy of This #1 Amazon Bestseller Now To Skyrocket Your Confidence And Skillset In Private Practice

Ready to take your abilities as a therapist to the next level? To finally say goodbye to imposter syndrome? And have complete confidence when new patients walk in for their initial session, knowing you’ll help them progress to a full recovery?

Then get a copy of The ‘Go-To’ Physio now and unlock the exact proven 8-step system that’s responsible for my success… and the success of 100s of other therapists around the world!