“I Was Working 60 Hours A Week Earning Half My
Own Physios… Now My Clinic’s Revenue Is Up 230%
& I Only Work On Tuesdays!”

Discover how to transform your clinic into a revenue-generating machine that only needs you for 8 hours a week – with fully booked physios all year round and a 230% increase in revenue!


As Seen In

Join 850+ Therapists In 30 Countries
Using The Framework Proven To Grow
Revenue By 230%

Are you a physio clinic owner struggling to grow your practice?

Do you spend a fortune on physios who sit in empty rooms while you see all the patients?

Are you working 60-hour weeks to increase re-book rates, stop cancellations, and find new clients?

Then repeat after me: “Something has to change!”

That’s where I come in. I can show you a proven framework that increased my clinic’s revenue by 230% almost overnight… a framework that has now worked for more than 850+ therapists in 30 countries worldwide.

Best of all, it works without a marketing budget, finding new clients, or sacrificing more family time for the clinic (you’ll work half the hours you do now!).

The Secret I Discovered As An England
Rugby Physio At Multiple World Cups

When I worked for England Rugby, we followed a proven framework for coaches and athletes. They always wanted to know the same 4 things:

What's the problem?

Why did it happen?

What's the plan?

How long will it take to get back?

You see, athletes need to recover well enough to compete at the highest level… they are prepared to spend more sessions in therapy if they can picture their pathway back.

My private clients were different. They stopped seeing me after 3-4 sessions, once their pain eased and they got some mobility back. But I wondered if my clinic patients would respond better to the ‘Pro Sport’ approach…

Double My Clinic Revenue

Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

I Applied This ‘Pro Sport’ Framework At My Clinic And My Business Doubled Overnight

I spent more time explaining the treatment plan to my private clients. I focused on answering the same 4 key questions coaches and athletes wanted to know, and less time doing hands-on treatment.

And I noticed a HUGE shift… not only were patients leaving just as happy… they were actively ‘selling’ me on why they needed to come back, rather than the other way around. I went from an overworked and underpaid clinician who was too stressed to sleep at night, to calm and successful business owner finally getting paid what I was worth.

More Re-bookings And Referrals Than Your Clinic Can Handle… Even If You Leave For Months At A Time!

The truth is clinic patients want the ‘Pro Sport’ treatment. They’re not going to the world cup… but to them, being healthy enough to tend to their garden or play sports with their kids is equally as important. They want to reach a level of recovery beyond 3-4 sessions – as long as they have clear expectations and understand the milestones along the way.

Once I began to deliver this – and taught my physios to do the same – patients started raving about my clinic. Re-bookings skyrocketed… referrals went through the roof… and I took my clinic from a one room operation… to a team of ‘Go-To’ therapists who grow my clinic while I leave to work with pro athletes for months at a time!

Get INSTANT Access To My Exclusive FREE eBook Now


Discover How To Double Your Profit, Half Your
Workload, And Keep Your Clinic Fully Booked In
Your Free 30-Minute Coaching Call

The A-B-C Framework To 2X Clinic Profit And Half Your Workload

The proven ‘Pro Sport’ framework that literally saved my clinic from the brink of collapse and grew revenue by 230%… it’s now trusted by 850+ physios in more than 30 countries around the world!

Turn Your Business Into A Revenue-Making Machine, Without Relying On New Clients

Discover why it’s completely pointless to waste money on ads, or spend time begging new clients to come through the door (Hint: the secret to more bookings has been under your nose this whole time!)

How To Grow Your Business Without Treating Everyone Yourself

Tired of treating every patient personally and working 60+ hours per week? These simple tips will help you delegate with confidence, so you can finally spend less time in the clinic and more time with your family!

The Top 3 Reasons Clients Don’t Book In Another Session

If your physios aren’t re-booking every client they see, chances are it’s down to one of these 3 reasons – uncover how to avoid them, so all your clients re-book like clockwork!

The Secret To Turn Your Team Into ‘A Players’ Who Grow The Business For You

Your business will start to run on autopilot… and you’ll feel comfortable taking time off knowing your business will go from strength to strength – even without you there to run it!

Double My Clinic Revenue

Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

This Framework Is Trusted By England Rugby Union and England Rugby League

Stop The ‘Bottleneck’ Of Clients Who Only Want To See You

There’s no getting around it – to grow your clinic, you need to hire other therapists. But if they don’t provide clients the same level of care, patients will only want to see one clinician: and that’s you. There’s nothing more frustrating than working a full client load, while you pay other therapists to sit around in empty rooms!

My proven framework removes this ‘bottleneck’ of patients who only want to see you and allows you to confidently delegate to other therapists. Your team will give consistent first-class care, and their clients will re-book time and time again. You’ll finally get some sleep at night knowing you don’t have to do it all yourself!

Better Work Life Balance So You Can Spend More Time With Your Family

What would it be like to have a clinic that grows, without relying on you every step of the way? You could take a trip abroad… work on your short game… or spend more quality time with your family.

That’s what being a ‘Go-To’ Physio is all about. No more 60+ hour weeks treating patients, doing business admin on weekends or at night… no more stress, anxiety, or burnout eating away at your quality of life… just a proven framework your team can follow to successfully grow your business on autopilot – while you’re freed up do what you truly love!

We’ve Helped 850+ Physios Skyrocket
Their Profits While Working Less Hours
Than Ever…

Life is so much more relaxed. I’m not going to work thinking ‘how am I going to deal with this client’ or ‘what am I going to do next’ or thinking ‘what if they have had a regression’ and ‘I don’t know what to do for the week’ or ‘am I going to throw a load of exercises in?’.

Now I go to work thinking I know this person will be able to do this now or how to progress them safely and appropriately each week without wracking my brains and worrying, thinking ‘what if?’ all the time. I’m a lot more relaxed.

Coming home at the end of the day I don’t think, ‘today was hard’ or ‘I’m really struggling with this person’. I just know I did a good job, people got good wins and good value out of what I offered.

And even when there are more tricky cases I know I can come home, jump straight onto the Facebook group and ask a question which gets answered, normally within minutes. I don’t have to worry about that even with someone more tricky to work with.

Being able to get referrals when I’ve only explained to someone what is actually going to happen has been massive for me.

I got a referral from an assessment alone as opposed to actually getting rid of the pain or the problem in the first place. That is when I knew that this is really going to work.

Connor Phillips

The ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship is one of the most comprehensive forward thinking personal development programs available to therapists.

Dave and his team are phenomenal. I went from struggling to feel good enough to feeling confident in my abilities virtually overnight which also took my client numbers from 10/15 a week to 15-20 within the first month. Within 3 months 20-30. I struggle now to fit them all in.

My client retention is incredible and I no longer advertise my client base is all word of mouth. In fact I need to take on another therapist to keep up with demand. I will put them through the program too.

From not feeling good enough and wanting to complete higher education courses to fill in what felt like a gap in my knowledge, I have found the key. Also the support from other therapists in the program and the team along with the whole process really is staggering.

Toni Stanton

Pre-mentorship I was definitely too scattered, ambitious, and excited when I was with clients. I was throwing the kitchen sink at them and now I know, when I see someone, how I’m going to take that approach with them.

Even teaching other therapists has been a way of me proving how much I’ve actually learned because they come in and say ‘how the hell do you know all of this’.

It’s unfortunate, I wish I learned this in school but I just feel like I’m on a completely different level. In terms of clients I was seeing maybe 10-15 people a week and now I’m consistently 25 plus, sometimes 30 a week.

Ultimately, at the end of the day I see each individual client many more times because I’m taking them through higher level drills. It’s never about squeezing things out of a client. We just find new things to work on and people are more motivated once they see the results.

Greg Stern


Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

5 Simple Steps To Run A Wildly
Profitable Practice

Claim Your Free 30-Minute Coaching Call

Simply fill in the details below and we’ll be in touch to arrange a time. There’s no cost and no obligation to continue with us following your call.

Discover The Proven

If we decide you’re a good fit for the program, we’ll reveal our proven physio framework that’s trusted by world cup level physios – the exact set of steps that’s been replicated by 850+ physios to build wildly profitable clinics.

We Help You Implement It At Your Clinic

Get ongoing mentorship on how you can improve your team’s level of care and double the lifetime value of your patients, while reducing your day-to-day involvement in the clinic.

We Train Your Staff So They Can Keep Their Own Calendars Fully Booked

Want your physio’s to give elite care without having to do the heaving lifting yourself? We train your staff to drastically improve the quality of care and implement a framework that turns their 3 session clients into 6… 7… even 8 sessions.

Your Business Grows On Autopilot

Sit back, relax, and watch your clinic grow! Spend more days with your family… take up a new hobby… or start a second clinic… what you choose to do with your newfound freedom is entirely up to you.

Double My Clinic Revenue

Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

Double Your Profit & Halve Your
Workload – Guaranteed!

I know exactly how hard it can be to grow your own clinic. Outgoings are high… physio wages take up most of your revenue… and owners are left with nothing but the scraps. That’s why our step-by-step system is a proven approach for doubling clinic’s profit, whilst increasing the abilities of your physios to reduce your workload by half.

We are so confident in our framework that if your clinic hasn’t doubled its profit after 12 months, and you haven’t halved your workload, then we will give you a full refund – no question asked!

Double My Clinic Revenue

Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

“I Used To See 10-15 Clients Per Week, Now
It’s Consistently 25+, Even 30… “

Double My Clinic Revenue

Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!


Claim Your FREE 30-Minute Coaching Call And Discover The Proven Framework To 2X Clinic Profits

Ready to double your clinic’s profit, keep your team’s calendars fully booked, and half the hours you personally spend at your clinic? All without spending money on marketing or chasing after a single new client? Simply fill in the form below to secure your free 30-minute coaching call.

Important disclaimer: Consultations are available on a first-come, first-served basis… we strictly limit places to 10 per month, so please book your session now to avoid disappointment!

Double My Clinic Revenue

Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!


“It’s Mental…” Clinic Owners Shocked By Fully
Booked Calendars After Using This Secret ‘Pro-
Sport Patient Plan’ On Every Single Client!

INSIDE: How To Increase Your Bookings By 230%…
(Without Relying On Ads, Sales, Or Even New Patients!)