Frequently Asked Questions

What is The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?

First off, what isn’t the ‘Go To’ Physio Mentorship program? The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship is NOT a course. It is a mentorship program that gives physiotherapists the ability to confidently diagnose any patient, find the right treatment, and keep patients progressing to reach their dream goals.

It provides physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals with 1-1 and group coaching, training modules, and access to an expert community, along with a proven step-by-step system and treatment plan derived from founder Dave O’Sullivan’s experience as a pro sport physiotherapist.

To learn more about the ‘Go To’ Physio Mentorship click here.

How much does The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship cost?

The Mentorship program is lifetime access and has different payment plans which are covered in detail here.

What is included in The ‘Go-To’ physio Mentorship?

Therapists enrolled on The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship get exclusive and unlimited access to the frameworks and systems developed by Dave O’Sullivan throughout his 15 year+ career in private practice and professional sport.

Also included is mentorship and coaching to ensure therapists can confidently diagnose any patient, find the right treatment, and keep patients progressing to reach their dream goals.

This includes, but is not limited to;

  • The full step-by-step system for the full body.
  • Lifetime access to the system and members area.
  • Cheat sheets.
  • Protocols.
  • Case studies.
  • Difficult patient forums.
  • Exercise Library for 3 months.
  • Refresher courses.
  • Group coaching calls.
  • 1-1 Mentorship & feedback/guidance.
  • Quarterly masterminds.
  • Access to our support facebook groups.
  • Foundational business skills & benefits.

Plus so much more…

See ‘What Is Actually Covered In The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?’ for an in depth look at what is included in The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Program.

What is covered in The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?

Everything that is covered in the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship has been refined and perfected over years of delivery to ensure it gives every therapist the ability to confidently diagnose any patient, find the right treatment, and keep patients progressing to reach their dream goals.

Topics covered include;

Know the research – Understanding and applying the research in the real world.

Perfecting your subjective assessment – Quickly and easily find the root cause with any patient.

Effective explanation – How to explain the problem and solution to a patient so they want to return for the next session and adhere to your treatment plan.

A rock solid objective assessment – How to assess the body as a whole and piece the story together.

How to build world class treatment plans – How to build world class treatment plans and optimise those treatment plans to start fast to get those big wins early on.

Bridging the gap – Get all of the frameworks you need to be able to bridge the gap between low and high-level rehab to help your patients reach their dream outcomes.

Specific pathologies – In-depth training on the specific pathologies you’ll see on a day to day basis throughout your clinical work.

Building resilience – How to build real resilience in your patients so they can feel the impact you’ve made on their life and you know the issue will not return.

Business modules – Bonuses and modules to help you grow a successful and profitable private practice.

Plus coaching, mentorship, access to difficult patients forums, refresher events, bonus materials and much, much more.

For more information see;What Is Actually Covered In The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?

What is the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind program?

The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind is a 12-month coaching program for private practice owners who want to grow their clinic, maximise profit and reduce involvement in their practice so they can work on the business side, treat patients on their terms, and spend more time with their family.

The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind program is unique to different business coaching programs in that we understand that a physio clinic is not built on how many new patients you get but how many you keep!

We therefore give you not only the business systems and frameworks you need but also the ‘Head Physio’ systems to improve your physios’ quality of care and keep patients progressing ethically all the way to the final session. This is where the profit is made in a Physio Clinic. We also provide you with a clear roadmap to build a great team, great culture and ultimately reducing your involvement in the day-to-day practice so you can enjoy freedom with your family.

For more information on the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Program click here.

What’s the difference between the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship and ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind programs?

The ‘Go-To Physio’ Mentorship provides physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals with coaching, training modules and access to an expert community, along with a proven treatment plan derived from David O’Sullivan’s experience as a pro sport physiotherapist.

This gives our 850+ physiotherapists the ability to confidently diagnose any patient, find the right treatment and keep patients progressing.

The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind is a 12-month coaching program for private practice owners who want to grow their clinic, maximise profit and reduce involvement in the practice so you can work on the business side and spend more time with your family.

We do this by giving you ‘Head Physio’ Mentorship to improve your physios’ quality of care. We also provide business & leadership coaching with a proven framework for doubling the lifetime value of patients whilst reducing your involvement in the day-to-day practice.

For an in depth look at the differences see; ‘What’s The Difference Between The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship And ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Programs?’

Will The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship help me as a physio working in professional sport?

This answer is yes. The frameworks and systems that make up the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship were developed by Dave O’Sullivan throughout his work in professional sport on the national and international stage.

The systems and coaching are designed to help you quickly and efficiently find the root cause, find the right treatments and keep your athletes progressing all the way to their return to play, even in the most high-pressure pro sport environments.

Will the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship help me as a physio working in national health services?

100% yes. The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship program has helped hundreds of therapists working in national health settings.

The frameworks, systems, and coaching included in The ‘Go-To Physio Mentorship Program are designed to help therapists working on national health in a few specific ways.

  • Save you time in sessions – When you have the systems in place to easily find the root cause and the best treatment plan you’re no longer wasting time in sessions that are already short in a national health setting.
  • Boost patient motivation – Use simple techniques to boost patient motivation, especially important for those deflated patients who have already seen other clinicians.
  • Start treatment fast and get big wins – Our systems are optimised to help you find the right treatment but more importantly start fast, getting those big wins and securing treatment plan adherence.
  • Easily bridge the gap – Easily bridge the gap with any complex case so you can get them back to their dream outcomes and make a meaningful impact on their lives.
  • Keep up to date with literature and earn CPD points.
Does the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship help therapists who own their own clinic?

Yes we do.

We give private practice owners the frameworks, systems and support they need to find the root cause quickly, find the right treatment and keep progressing any complex case all the way to their dream outcome.

We also give clinic owners everything they need to increase patient numbers, scale their business, and grow a profitable and sustainable clinic. We provide the training and systems so as you take on more therapists you know the quality of care is the best, no matter who the patient sees.

For more info see; ‘What’s The Difference Between The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship And ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Programs?’

Can I enrol therapists working for me on The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?

Absolutely! In fact, we’ve seen a big increase in practice owners are enrolling their staff on the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship.

The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship gives your therapists the skills and knowledge to confidently diagnose, find the right treatment, and progress any complex case, giving clinic owners peace of mind that their patients are getting the highest quality of care.

With a few simple tweaks we teach your therapists how to get patient buy-in and adherence for the number of sessions they ethically need, increasing the patient visit average and filling their diaries.

The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship provides a consistent and more cost effective way of training your therapists. To see why more and more private practice owners are putting their therapists on the mentorship see this short article here.

Does the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship have a guarantee?

Yes. At The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship we believe that you will be able to confidently treat any patient who walks through the door… Or your money back!

With access to breakthrough training modules and extensive support from experts in our difficult patient forums, you’ll get the guidance and clarity you need to treat every patient.

We are so confident in our approach that if at any moment you don’t believe you can help a patient reach their best possible outcome we will give you your money back guaranteed!

How can I speak to someone for more information on The ‘Go To’ Physio Mentorship Program?

To speak to Dave or one of his team simply schedule a call here or contact us on +44 1484 218190

How can I speak to someone for more information on The ‘Go To’ Clinic Mastermind Program?

To speak to Dave or one of his team simply schedule a call here or contact us on +44 1484 218190

I still have questions. How can I get them answered?

You can email dave directly at or contact the team on +44 1484 218190