How Will The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Help Me As A Pro Sport Physio?


How The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship Works For Pro Sport Physios

From Munster Rugby and working with professional golfers to England Rugby and world cup challenges, I have been lucky enough to spend so much of my 14 year career working in pro sport alongside running my own private practice.

But for most pro sport physios outside of the mentorship, they don’t know this history. They think we only work with private practice therapists. They don’t know how The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship can help them.

So today, I want to clear it all up. I want to show you exactly how the Mentorship and my systems are helping pro sport physios effortlessly progress athletes back to return to play every single day.


So, read on to find out;


  • How the Mentorship was born in pro sport.
  • How will the Mentorship help you in pro sport?
  • Why the Mentorship and the system works so well in pro sport.
  • See our pro sport Mentorship therapists.
  • What does a pro sport physio get on the Mentorship?

The Mentorship Was Designed In Pro Sport

In 2013-2015 I was working with Huddersfield Giants. It was a demanding job. There were a lot of injuries. But I loved every minute of it.

Unfortunately, if you’re anything like me, you want the best for your athletes. I wanted to be able to help any athlete and get them back to playing as quickly as possible. But I was getting sick of the same old mistakes and setbacks.

Worst of all I was sick of being told that this or that person had the answers. I had enough of fancy techniques. I had enough of these magic bullets. I had enough of taking my players to see these ‘gurus’. I needed to get long lasting results.

So I set about building my own system of working. A system that meant I could diagnose any issue, create world class treatment plans, and effortlessly progress any athlete back to the outcome they needed.

Now, years on I’m still using the same system. I use it in my private practice. I’ve used it in Rugby League and Union World Cups. Yes I’ve tweaked it. But it is the system I use every single day.

Most people are shocked to hear this. Athletes may come from all over the world to see me but there is no secret. I use the exact same system we teach to Mentorship therapists.

Using The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship systems in pro sport

How Will The Mentorship Help You As A Pro Sport Physio?

At the core of what we do with The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship programme are three simple ideas. We help pro sport physios;

  • Find the root cause.
  • Find the right treatment.
  • Keep athletes progressing all the way to return to play.

It sounds simple right. But here’s the truth, these three things are non-negotiable to any pro sport physio.

If you’re going to be confident your athletes can return to play. If you’re going to do it quickly and safely without the setbacks and second guessing. Then you have to be able to do these three things.

So how have we helped pro sport physios do these three things?

Find The Root Cause

The first powerful thing we do is teach you my own subjective assessment framework. Once you have this process you are equipped to find the root cause of any athlete’s issue. And you can do it fast.

This is where Mentorship therapists set themselves apart. While most other therapists are letting the athlete rest or ice in the first week, while they’re letting the symptoms settle, you’re already looking at the injury history.

We address this at the very beginning of the Mentorship. This is the core of the early modules. From day one you have the essential foundation that will give you the result.

For more resources on how to quickly and easily find the root cause of the issue:

Find The Right Treatment

Once you can confidently diagnose that root cause you’re already ahead. You have the basis of your treatment. You have the root cause, you understand your athletes goals, and you can design your graded exposure treatment plan around that.

Better yet, you can address that root cause within the first few sessions in the acute phase of the injury and increase the load tolerance to all the other areas of the body that aren’t doing the job.

In later modules I give you everything you need to build that graded exposure treatment programme that will address and solve this root issue.

Keep Athletes Progressing All The Way To Return To Play

Once you can find the root cause in your subjective and you can quickly and easily prescribe the right treatment, specific to the athlete and their situation, then it is just a matter of progressing the athlete in a simple graded exposure treatment plan all the way back to return to play.

It really is that simple but this is where most physios come unstuck. Most repeat the same exercises hoping they can build resilience. Most just hope they can make changes that really stick and work long term.

In The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship I give you my exact frameworks so you can bridge the gap with every single athlete. This includes all of the running and declaration drills you need to build true resilience.

Dave O'Sullivan using The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship systems with England Rugby

But Why Does The Mentorship System Work So Well In Pro Sport?

So let’s get down to the specifics. Why is the Mentorship and the system working so well for physios working in pro sport?

How is it helping so many pro sport physios take an injured athlete and progress them back to, as Louis Gifford put it, thoughtless, fearless movement, in the most quick and simple way?

Answer Every Coaches Four Essential Questions

In my experience, every coach will ask you four essential questions;

  • What is the problem?
  • Why did it happen?
  • What is the plan?
  • How long will it take to get back?

The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship equips you to have all of the answers and a clear actionable plan to execute the solution.

You Can Ask And Answer 3 Simple Questions

One of the big reasons is that we teach Mentorship therapists to ask, but more importantly answer, 3 of the most important questions every physio needs to ask themselves.

1 – Are we actually designing a treatment plan to address the root cause or are we just treating symptoms?

2 – What isn’t doing its job that if it was, symptoms would disappear once and for all?

3 – What is happening, that if it stopped the symptoms would disappear once and for all?

By asking and answering these three simple questions you will drastically cut the return to play time. Not only that but this allows you to build a simple graded exposure program, specific to the athlete, that will not only allow them to return to play but will build resilience so the athlete can move with confidence.

You Can Start Fast With Every Athlete

In pro sport, with games looming and tight deadlines, speed is everything. So, in modules 2-5, we give you all of the techniques and strategies to start fast with the athlete.

Settle the symptoms with hands on then give the athlete an ability to tolerate load in the areas that aren’t doing their job. That is how you can slash that return to play time.

You Have A Clear Timeline & The Ability To Stick To It

With all this in place you know how many sessions it will take. This means you can communicate with coaches and give realistic time frames rather than ‘hoping’ the athlete will be fit by a deadline someone else has set.

These are just a few of the reasons why the Mentorship and the system work so well for pro sport physios. I could go on forever. But if you want to learn more on how and why the Mentorship can help you in pro sport, follow the link below and book a quick coaching call.

Book your 1-1 coaching call to learn more:

Using The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship system with professional athletes

Our Pro Sport Therapists

At The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship we’ve had well over 100 pro sport physios come through. We’ve had England Rugby, Munster Rugby, pro Cricket, and football physios, plus so many more.

These are pro sport physios from all over the world who have used the Mentorship and our systems to find the root cause of the problem, find the right treatment, and progress their athletes to the outcome they need, all without the endless stress and setbacks that working in pro sport inevitably brings.

Just take a look below at what Bobby had to say;

What Will You Get As A Pro Sport Physio On The Mentorship?

How the content and information of The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship is delivered has developed over seven years.

You didn’t think we’d been sitting around doing nothing did you? We’ve been working hard to make sure everyone gets the results they deserve and their athletes need.

And believe me, we are always improving, updating and tweaking the system to keep up with the latest research and the developments we make in the ProSport clinic and out on the field.

The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship program includes;

Members Area Benefit – Step-by-step system for clarity and confidence. Refer back to cutting edge techniques whenever you get stuck & review the updated evidence based approach.

Cheat Sheets – Always know when to prescribe the right exercise at the right time without flaring your athlete up. Quickly reference the step-by-step system between patients so you always know precisely where you’re going with your athletes and how you’ll get there.

Difficult Patient Forums – Never feel isolated or stuck with a patient. Complete peace of mind and certainty on your treatment plan. Eliminate the worry and the need to spend hours searching for answers on the internet or social media.

Exercise Library – Confidence to give exercises to athletes with the correct cues at the right time. Save yourself hours of time. More value, adherence and accountability for athletes. Prescribe the right exercise at the right time even before finishing every module.

Refresher Courses – Reassurance and confidence you’re doing things right. Feedback and support with your clinical skills and the content you don’t understand. Refocus, hone your new skills and get to the next level. Surround yourself with a great community of like minded therapists. CPD Points after every refresher event.

Coaching Calls & Feedback – Expert coaches provide support so you can be confident you’re doing things right and are on the right track. Take your understanding to a higher level and be crystal clear on all the concepts. Support when things aren’t going right or things get tough. Help implementing the content every step of the way.

Quarterly Masterminds – Regular CPD and the opportunity to stay up to date with the latest evidence base so you can be at the cutting edge.

Facebook Group – Join a community like minded therapists, just like you, ready to keep progressing and focus on professional and personal development.

Plus so much more with bonuses, business skills, and support.

If you want a really in depth look at what is included in The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship take a look here:

Using The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship in pro sport

Want To Learn More?

I can understand why you’d be hesitant thinking ‘will the mentorship work for me’ but here’s the truth…

At The ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship we’ve helped hundreds of physios working in pro sport gain the skills, confidence and knowledge they need to do these three things quickly and simply…

  • Find the root cause.
  • Find the right treatment.
  • Keep athletes progressing all the way to return to play.

I hope you can now see how we do those three things for every pro sport physio. Believe me, working in pro sports is tough. I’ve been there. It’s fast paced. You’re under constant pressure but if you can do those three things then you can feel the confidence every day.

The system was designed for pro sport. I created the system to make my life easier. To help me achieve real results with athletes in high pressure situations. I’m not holding anything back. This is the exact system I use.

If you have any more questions, need more information or are considering joining The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship click here and book your free 30-minute 1-1 coaching call and we’ll see how we can help you.


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