Frustrated By Patient Relapses, Drop-offs, & Poor Adherence?

World Cup Physio Shares Breakthrough ‘Pro Sport Treatment Plan’ That Guarantees Full Recovery In (Almost) Any Private Practice Patient…

Discover this World Cup physio’s step-by-step method to rapidly improve patient adherence and progress – while skyrocketing confidence in your clinical care!


As Seen In

Dear physiotherapist,

Have you ever left an initial patient session and thought, “this is going to be a tough one”?

Worried about the complexity of pain and the injury?

Imposter syndrome rears its ugly head…

And as treatment progresses, your fears are realised.

The hands-on techniques and usually-reliable exercises you learned at university don’t work.

Your patient’s treatment adherence falls off a cliff.

They relapse in their recovery.

You can barely get them to show up to the next session… let alone give you a 5-star review or referral.

If this all sounds familiar, don’t worry – I went through the exact same thing.

I completely lacked confidence in my private practice, even though I was a Rugby World Cup physio at the time.
I had patients who were fine on the treatment table… but they couldn’t move pain-free in the real world where it mattered most.

My practice was full one week, but empty the next.
I felt light-years away from my dream of becoming a ‘go-to’ therapist who delivered high level rehab.

So I shadowed more experienced therapists

Dived head-on into research…

And took professional development courses all around the world…

But no matter what I tried I didn’t feel confident with complex patients.

Nothing really ‘clicked’.

That is, until one of my mentors told me to write down the step-by-step differences between how I treated pro athletes and how I treated private practice patients.
That’s when I realised the answer was so simple it had been in front of me all along…

The Exact Treatment Plan I Used For
Players As A World Cup Physio

At England Rugby, the coaches always asked the same 4 questions when a player got injured:

What's the problem?

Why did it happen?

What's the plan?

How long will it take to get back?

This set their expectations and gave them a clear pathway to recovery. They knew the player would be pain-free on the treatment table on day 7… ready to start running at day 14… but wouldn’t sprint at full speed until day 28.

Because they knew the treatment pathway, players weren’t rushed back when the pain first went away. They had low relapse rates, high treatment adherence, and a superior level of recovery over the long term.


Discover The Breakthrough Pro Sport Treatment Plan That Promotes Progression, Adherence, And Full Recovery In Almost Any Private Practice Patient!

The Key Difference In Pro Sport
And Why It Works For Complex
Patients In Private Practice

At first, I was scared and sceptical… but once I adopted this ‘pro sport’ approach in my clinic, I saw results almost overnight.

I created a simple, step-by-step framework to follow with every patient, starting with less hands-on treatment and more time explaining their recovery pathway.

Instead of rushing them through a few exercises at the end of the session, I explained the ‘why’ behind each exercise in easy-to-understand terms.
Patients knew exactly what to do, why they were doing it, and how long their recovery would take.

They stopped dropping off at session 3 when their pain eased… and came back for sessions 4-6 to experience a higher level of rehab.

Their adherence to exercises skyrocketed, they regained confidence in their body, and they achieved thoughtless, fearless movement – even when nobody else had been able to help them!

Get INSTANT Access To My Exclusive FREE eBook Now


The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Has
Helped 850+ Therapists Finally Feel
Confident In Their Clinical Care

Life is so much more relaxed. I’m not going to work thinking ‘how am I going to deal with this client’ or ‘what am I going to do next’ or thinking ‘what if they have had a regression’ and ‘I don’t know what to do for the week’ or ‘am I going to throw a load of exercises in?’.

Now I go to work thinking I know this person will be able to do this now or how to progress them safely and appropriately each week without wracking my brains and worrying, thinking ‘what if?’ all the time. I’m a lot more relaxed.

Coming home at the end of the day I don’t think, ‘today was hard’ or ‘I’m really struggling with this person’. I just know I did a good job, people got good wins and good value out of what I offered.

And even when there are more tricky cases I know I can come home, jump straight onto the Facebook group and ask a question which gets answered, normally within minutes. I don’t have to worry about that even with someone more tricky to work with.

Being able to get referrals when I’ve only explained to someone what is actually going to happen has been massive for me.

I got a referral from an assessment alone as opposed to actually getting rid of the pain or the problem in the first place. That is when I knew that this is really going to work.

Connor Phillips

The ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship is one of the most comprehensive forward thinking personal development programs available to therapists.

Dave and his team are phenomenal. I went from struggling to feel good enough to feeling confident in my abilities virtually overnight which also took my client numbers from 10/15 a week to 15-20 within the first month. Within 3 months 20-30. I struggle now to fit them all in.

My client retention is incredible and I no longer advertise my client base is all word of mouth. In fact I need to take on another therapist to keep up with demand. I will put them through the program too.

From not feeling good enough and wanting to complete higher education courses to fill in what felt like a gap in my knowledge, I have found the key. Also the support from other therapists in the program and the team along with the whole process really is staggering.

Toni Stanton

Pre-mentorship I was definitely too scattered, ambitious, and excited when I was with clients. I was throwing the kitchen sink at them and now I know, when I see someone, how I’m going to take that approach with them.

Even teaching other therapists has been a way of me proving how much I’ve actually learned because they come in and say ‘how the hell do you know all of this’.

It’s unfortunate, I wish I learned this in school but I just feel like I’m on a completely different level. In terms of clients I was seeing maybe 10-15 people a week and now I’m consistently 25 plus, sometimes 30 a week.

Ultimately, at the end of the day I see each individual client many more times because I’m taking them through higher level drills. It’s never about squeezing things out of a client. We just find new things to work on and people are more motivated once they see the results.

Greg Stern


Discover The Breakthrough Pro Sport Treatment Plan That Promotes Progression, Adherence, And Full Recovery In Almost Any Private Practice Patient!

Unlock My Step-By-Step Treatment Plan To
Promote Full Recovery In Almost Any Patient

You can unlock the exact ‘pro sport’ treatment method for yourself as part of the ‘Go To’ Physio Mentorship program. Here’s what you’ll discover:

My exact pro sport treatment plan and a simple, step-by-step pathway to help you seamlessly implement it in your own private practice

Experienced coaching, evidence-based training modules, and access to an expert community who support you to feel unshakably confident when treating the most complex patients

My unique take on the 80-20 rule and how it perfectly divides your sessions between symptom reduction and root cause treatment

A simple 5-step method to ethically retain patients, so they show up for each session excited to progress through their treatment and hang off your every word

How to get 3X referrals and fill your diary with a constant stream of new patients willing to pay top dollar (without ever awkwardly asking for a referral ever again)

8 powerful pillars to treat almost any patient with confidence by cutting straight to the root cause and setting yourself apart from 99% of other therapists

A simple ‘6 hours over 6 reps’ rule that holds the key to patient adherence and drastically increases the likelihood your patients will follow exercise plans

An ingenious way to help patients understand your treatment plan using stickmen, numbers, and letters that anyone can follow (trust me when I say patients will love you for this!)

Plus, more exclusive insights I’ve learned over my 14-year journey to help you progress your patients from the first session to long-lasting, meaningful recovery!


Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

Confidently Treat Any Patient Who Walks
Through The Door… Or Your Money Back!

Want to put that sinking feeling of imposter syndrome behind you? With access to breakthrough training modules and extensive support from experts in our difficult patient forums, you’ll get the guidance & clarity you need to treat every patient. We are so confident in our approach that if at any moment you don’t believe you can help a patient reach their best possible outcome, we will give your money back – guaranteed!


Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

This Framework Is Trusted By England Rugby Union and England Rugby League

Become A ‘Go-To’ Physio In
3 Simple Steps

Claim Your Free 30-
Minute Call

Simply fill in the details below and we’ll be in touch to arrange a time for your no-obligation call. We’ll reveal our evidence-based pro sport framework that’s trusted by world cup physios and replicated by 850+ physios. Confidently progress almost any patient to full recovery!

Join The Mentorship

If you’re a good fit for our mentorship, sign up to receive ongoing coaching, unlock training modules, and access a support group that helps you implement the pro sport approach. No more doubting yourself or succumbing to imposter syndrome – just a boost of confidence and the skillset to back it up!

Become A ‘Go-To’

Wouldn’t it feel amazing to become a ‘go-to’ physio for complex patients? To set yourself apart from other therapists? Knowing you can treat almost any patient who walks through the door? Join 850+ physios who’ve used our pro sport treatment plan to feel confident in private practice… and rapidly scale their clinics as a result!


Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!

The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Has Helped 850+
Therapists Finally Feel Confident In Their Clinical Care


Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!


Claim Your FREE 30-Minute Call To Receive The ‘Pro Sport’ Treatment Plan To Keep Your Private Practice Patients Progressing To Their Dream Outcomes!

Book during September and get unlimited access to my 3-hour diaphragm course for FREE!

Discover how to unlock the secret root of 63% of back pain issues
that fail with traditional approaches (normally valued at £154)!

  • Receive the breakthrough pro sport patient plan that will double your profit and halve your workload in just months!
  • Audit your current assessment approach with a pro sport expert – we’ll show you exactly how to add more structure to your current assessment approach to confidently treat any patient
  • A simple framework to keep your most difficult patients progressing – find the root cause of even your most complex patient’s pain to deliver great results
  • How to prescribe the right exercises at the right time – remove the trial-and-error approach that flares up your patients and sets their recovery back weeks
  • Discover how to keep your diary full – keep your patients coming back and progressing the right way… without feeling ‘salesy’ or using marketing gimmicks

Discover The Proven Framework To Double Your Profit And Cut Your Work Hours In Half – Without A Single New Client!


Secret 3-Step Rehab Plan Used By Elite Sport
Physios That (Almost) Guarantees Full Injury
Recovery For Every Patient!

INSIDE: 3-Step System To Get Patient Buy-In… Avoid Relapses…
And Always Keep Your Patients Progressing