What Is Actually Covered In The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?


What Is Actually Covered In The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship?

What do you think when you hear the words ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship? Well, I’ll admit it. If you’re not enrolled yourself, or you don’t know someone on the mentorship, then it may not mean that much.

You could probably decipher that it’s a mentorship. You’ll be mentored. You’ll be learning. But that might be it. You may not know what actually goes on inside. So, today I want to clear it all up.

I want to tell you exactly what is included in the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship, we’ll go into detail on each module, and I’ll explain how such a simple step-by-step system has helped 850+ therapists all over the world, find the root cause of their patients’ issues, find the right treatment, and keep those patients progressing all the way to their dream outcomes.


Read on and I’ll answer these burning questions;


  • What is the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?
  • What is included in the Mentorship?
  • How is each module going to help me?
  • Can you guarantee it will work for me?
  • No, seriously, does it really work?
  • Where can I learn more?

What Is The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?

The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship is not a course! It is a mentorship program that gives physiotherapists the ability to confidently diagnose any patient, find the right treatment, and keep patients progressing to reach their dream goals.

We provide physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals with coaching, training modules, and access to an expert community, along with a proven step-by-step system and treatment plan derived from my experience as a pro sport physiotherapist.

So far, over 850 therapists from all over the world have used The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship program to effortlessly progress patients, cement treatment plan adherence, and promote full recovery for even the most complex cases. It’s as simple as that.

So what is actually covered in the Mentorship? Let’s dive into it.

For more info on what the Mentorship is: https://old.thegotophysio.com/what-is-the-go-to-physio-mentorship/

Dave O'Sullivan presenting at Therapy Expo

So What Is Included In the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship?

Don’t worry, we’ll get into the finer details down the page but for now, here’s a condensed list of what is included in the mentorship.

  • The full step-by-step system for the full body.
  • Lifetime access to the system and members area.
  • Cheat sheets.
  • Protocols.
  • Case studies.
  • Difficult patient forums.
  • Exercise Library for 3 months.
  • Refresher courses.
  • Group coaching calls.
  • 1-1 Mentorship & feedback/guidance.
  • Quarterly masterminds.
  • Access to our support facebook groups.
  • Foundational business skills & benefits.

Sure, it may sound short and sweet but everything in this list has given over 850 therapists the confidence to treat any complex case. The confidence to find that root cause, to create world class treatment plans and to progress patients to their goals, creating raving fans along the way.

Remember, we’ve had over 7 years to perfect the delivery of the content, the coaching, and my mentoring. We’re continuously evolving and improving to give therapists everything they need to succeed and achieve their goals in the shortest time frame.

Don’t fancy reading? Check out the video below where I explain it all.

Let’s Break It All Down

Now I want to break down exactly what each module will do for you…


Your Jumpstart Call

This is the starting blocks. This is where we sit down with you and make your own personal roadmap. We get clear on your goals and design an action plan to get there in the quickest possible time.

Not everyone has the same goals and not everyone responds to coaching in the same way so we’ll direct you to the content that will be most powerful for you and establish how we can help you best.


Pre-Course Content

Most therapists will pour over the research and literature. You spend evenings and weekends putting the hours in. But despite this work, it’s hard to implement it in your work.

In the pre-course content we change that. We cover all of the relevant literature that you’ll become familiar with over the modules. Not only that but I’ll show you exactly how to apply it in the real world to get the results you need.


Module 1

Module one is all about the subjective assessment and giving you everything you need to hit the ground running with your patients.

I’ll share with you my ‘body scan’ technique and some higher level questions developed with some top sports psychologists. These frameworks will allow you to quickly and efficiently find the root cause of your patient’s issue.

You’ll find out your patient’s real desires and where they want to get back to so you can build a treatment plan to help them reach those goals as opposed to the unpredictable methods so many therapists use.


For more information on the subjective assessment access my free training here; https://old.thegotophysio.com/mentorship-offer/instant-access-training/

'Go-To' Physio Module 1 Subjective Assessment Wins


Modules 2-5

In Modules 2-5 we get down to the objective assessment. I give you all of the details and show you how to assess body parts in functional ways.

From this point you’ll have a clear understanding of the problem and solution. I’ll also give you a proven framework so you can clearly and concisely explain the problem to your patient ensuring their full buy-in and adherence to your treatment plan and the sessions they ethically need.

Modules 2-5 are also the point at which we’ll teach you how to build world class rehab plans that can keep your patients progressing until they reach their dream outcomes and their own definition of success.

We’ll also tell you how to optimise that treatment plan to start fast so patients get those valuable emotional wins early on. Trust me, they will want to follow through with your treatment plan.

Throughout this time we’ll take a moment to check in with you and check on your progress and make sure all of your questions are answered.

The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship online training portal


Module 6

At this point we’ll have a big check in call. We’ll make sure you’re happy with everything and all your questions are answered. We’ll assess your goals and lay out an action plan so you can get that big transformation.

After that, in the module 6 content, I’ll give you everything you need to transform your confidence so you can bridge the gap from low to high level rehab with even the most complex of cases.

For most therapists, this is the challenging phase. The phase when all of the hard work can come undone. I’ll give you all of my frameworks so you can effortlessly progress your patients through these higher level stages all the way to their dream goals and, as Louis Gifford put it, thoughtless, fearless movement. This is where you create raving fans.


Modules 7-8

Module 7-8 we go deep into certain pathologies. Hamstrings, groin, post-op shoulder, we’ll cover the pathologies you’re likely to see in your day-to-day practice. We’ll teach you how to tweak the system so you can tackle any of these, especially in the acute phases and you’ll learn how to put the right exercises in the right order to get the patient the results.


Module 9

Every physio talks about resilience but they don’t have the knowledge or skills to do it in the real world. Module 9 is all about building resilience. I’ll show you how to get them into the real world whether it is the gym or a high-stress working environment so they will not only survive but thrive.


Bonus Modules

The Mentorship comes with a tonne of bonus materials designed to give you the extra edge over other physios and even more clarity in your work.

Amongst other bonus content you’ll receive my complete return to play running progressions. These are the exact pro sport progressions that I used over the last 15 years with England Rugby Union, England Rugby League, Munster, Huddersfield Giants and other world class athletes.


Difficult Patients Forum

When I started in pro sport and even in private practice I found myself falling behind with tricky or complex cases. The thing that saved me was community. I had mentors and a community of physios to turn to if I needed help.

This is something I found so valuable that I bought into the Mentorship. Our difficult patient forums are a space for you to ask for advice on those extra tricky cases. No question is stupid. No one is judged. Just myself, my team and a community of like minded therapists ready to help. Never feel isolated again.


Refreshers Events

Every year we hold a number of in-person refresher events. When it comes to attending, you’ll know all the content but this is a chance for us to push you to the next level. You’ll get feedback on your techniques and keep progressing with the support of our Mentorship community. CPD points are also available for every session.

The 'Go-To' Physio Mentorship refresher course



I know that the modules act as a map. They can get you from session one to end stage rehab and real resilience with your patients but I know it doesn’t always work like that. You may have a map but in reality the terrain can look different on the ground. That is why I’ve strategically placed coaching throughout the modules so you get the help you need to implement everything.

We’ve had 7 years to perfect our coaching methods so every single check in, every call, every video chat has been strategically placed to make your life easier and your progress quicker.

I Don’t Just Talk The Talk

So there you have a more in depth view into the Mentorship, its modules and our processes. But first it is worth mentioning one thing.

I am not an internet guru. I’m not some overnight expert. And more importantly I’m not holding anything back. I’m not giving you any frameworks, techniques or strategies that I don’t use myself.

The truth is, I’ve been there. And I don’t say this to try to impress anyone. I just mean that I have made those mistakes. I have made the costley errors and I built the mentorship and the system to stop others doing the same thing.

Everything we teach and all of the content we share is used by myself and my therapists in the ProSport clinic and throughout pro sport.

Dave O'Sullivan - pro sport physio, private practice owner and mentor

Can You Guarantee The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Will Work For Me?

When I was searching for answers, going on courses, reading the literature, and talking to mentors I would have done anything for a guarantee. I wanted a guarantee that something would work for me. That if I used something, I could truly and effortlessly progress my patients to their dream goals.

That is why I built The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship guarantee. We believe that you will be able to confidently treat any patient who walks through the door… Or your money back!

With access to breakthrough training modules and extensive support from experts in our difficult patient forums, you’ll get the guidance and clarity you need to treat every patient.

We are so confident in our approach that if at any moment you don’t believe you can help a patient reach their best possible outcome we will give you your money back guaranteed!

When I was searching for answers, going on courses, reading the literature, and talking to mentors I would have done anything for a guarantee. I wanted a guarantee that something would work for me. That if I used something, I could truly and effortlessly progress my patients to their dream goals. That is why I built The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship guarantee. We believe that you will be able to confidently treat any patient who walks through the door… Or your money back! With access to breakthrough training modules and extensive support from experts in our difficult patient forums, you’ll get the guidance and clarity you need to treat every patient. We are so confident in our approach that if at any moment you don’t believe you can help a patient reach their best possible outcome we will give you your money back guaranteed!

Mentorship Community Success Stories

Very often I’ll tell physios just what is included in the Mentorship and how we’ve helped over 850 therapists gain the confidence to find that root cause, to create world class treatment plans and to progress patients to their goals, creating raving fans every day. But they still have the same question.

‘Will it actually work for me though?’ For that answer it’s easier for me to hand over to some of our Mentorship therapists and see how the Mentorship and my systems have changed their day to day lives.

Watch the videos below and check out what Ben and Kirsty had to say.

Want To Learn More?

We got through a lot there. But I hope you now get more of a picture as to what is included and what is covered in the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship.

The most important thing to remember is that it is not a course. We don’t expect you to get through the modules and leave. We are a community of therapists all over the world, on a journey to clinical excellence.

If you are considering enrolling on the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Program or need any more information then click here, answer a few quick questions, book your coaching call and see if we are what you are looking for.

In your free coaching call we will show you around the Mentorship program portal, the mentorship step-by-step system and discuss your situation and how we can help. This is a no-obligation call and completely free. To schedule your call and discover how The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship can help you, click here now.


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